6 Key Steps to Empower Your ADHD Wellness Journey

When you’re navigating life with ADHD, embarking on a well-being journey can be a bit overwhelming, particularly when there are so many choices to make.

So let’s delve into six high-level steps that can act as the cornerstones of your path to a healthier you.

These steps, ranging from setting personalised, achievable goals aligned with your priorities right now to developing simple routines, offer a roadmap to support your wellbeing as you navigate your ADHD wellness journey.

Step 1: Set Personalised Wellness Goals

Setting the foundation for your well-being journey begins with setting personalised goals aligned with your unique needs and priorities at this point in time. Simple goals will help to create a sense of purpose that fuels your motivation.

Start by identifying three short-term goals. The simpler, the better.

Your goal could be as simple as ‘I want to drink more water daily’. You could flesh this out a little by elaborating that you want to drink 2 litres of water a day minimum starting from tomorrow.

From there, break your goals into manageable, baby steps with some achievable dates. This will help to minimise overwhelm and keep you focused and accountable.


  • Tomorrow morning, I will drink two glasses of water and before breakfast.
  • And then I will drink a cup of herbal tea with breakfast.
  • I will then fill up my 1-litre water bottle to sip on throughout the day. I will finish the contents by dinner time.

You get the picture.

Small, baby steps you can achieve.

And then – here’s the important bit. Be sure to celebrate each milestone you hit your way!

Pop a sticker on your water tracking chart. Enjoy a nice bath. Treat yourself to a little chocolate. Watch a funny show.

Mixing things up

It’s important to recognise the ebb and flow of ADHD life.

With goals, Initially, we get really excited and motivated, and so we are kicking goals all over the place.

And then, our priorities and needs change. Our interest wane. We lose focus or get distracted. Or, more often than not, what worked well for a time will just stop working.

Don’t beat yourself up.

Embrace your creativity and versatility and mix things up. Think of different things to try, different ways you can achieve your goal, and switch up the routine.

Take your goal of drinking more water:

  • You could buy a cool new stainless steel water bottle that is easier and more pleasurable to drink from.
  • Or you could add some slices of lemon or berries to the water to jazz it up.
  • You could invest in a soda stream to mix up your water intake between bubbles and no bubbles!
  • You could set up a tracking system to keep track of how much water you drink. There are apps and planners and charts for that!
  • You could also step things back a bit and set a goal to drink 4 glasses of water a day, or 2 litres of water 3 days a week. Once you’ve established a routine, you can then build onto it!
  • Or, you can simply accept that that goal might be done and dusted and that it either needs to be reimagined or that you need to move on to another area of focus (you can always come back to your goal of drinking water!). That’s totally okay!

Remember, your goals evolve over time – that’s completely normal!

Regularly check-ins with yourself so you stay aligned with your changing interests, needs, and passions, ensuring your journey remains fresh and fulfilling.

Step 2: Hydration as a Ritual

Staying hydrated is a cornerstone of well-being.

Water supports digestion, energy levels, and overall balance within your body. And if you are taking ADHD medication, such as stimulants, hydration is especially important.

Integrate hydration into your daily routine by setting a goal, as we did above.

Prioritise hydration by making it part of your morning ritual and establishing hydration breaks in your routine.

Experiment with flavours – infuse water with lemon, lime, or other fruits.

Keep your water accessible throughout the day in an ergonomic bottle that suits your lifestyle. You could even have multiple water bottles in different rooms and bags so you always have one within reach (and within your line of sight as a visual reminder!).

What ideas can you try?

Step 3: Nourish with Simplicity

Nourishing your body is crucial, even though it comes with its challenges.

Simplify your approach by opting for easy-to-prepare meals, grabbable snacks and healthy meal delivery services.

Look into meal planning and batch cooking.

Embrace dinner for breakfast!

Seek support from friends or family. You could body double with someone – they can stand near you as you prep. Or you could ask them for help, where they prep for you.

Experiment with different textures and flavours, making eating an exciting and sensory experience whilst avoiding any triggers you might have.

Allow flexibility in your dietary choices over rigidity.

Accept that it’s okay to buy pre-cut and frozen fruit and vegetables. Seriously!

Test some low-sugar pre-prepared shakes and protein drinks that will help to sustain you throughout the day.

Whether through healthier alternatives or tried-and-true favourites, nourish your body while embracing your unique preferences.

Step 4: Joyful Movement

Physical activity is a powerful tool for reducing stress and boosting dopamine.

Find enjoyable ways to move.

Whether it’s leisurely walks in nature, hiking, yoga, or dancing to music up loud (or in your headphones).

Incorporate movement and resistance into daily activities, like walking meetings or doing some squats and bicep curls with sauce bottles as you boil the kettle.

Make alternative choices, such as choosing to take the stairs whenever you get a chance over the lift.

Engage in hobbies like gardening or golf that get you moving.

The key is to choose activities that bring you joy.

By doing so, you’re more likely to stick with them and experience the physical and mental benefits they offer.

Step 5: Prioritise Self-Care

Putting yourself first is not selfish; it’s essential for well-being.

Set healthy boundaries that align with your values and needs.

Create time for activities that bring you relaxation and joy, whether it’s engaging in hobbies, practising mindfulness, or seeking moments of solitude.

Embrace self-compassion and prioritise your mental wellbeing. Process your emotions and seek support when needed.

By nurturing your mental health, you’re building resilience for life’s challenges.

Step 6: Foster Meaningful Connections

Surrounding yourself with supportive people who understand your neurodivergent experience is invaluable. Cultivate connections that uplift and inspire, allowing you to be your authentic self without fear of judgment.

Build relationships based on trust and mutual support, both within your circle of friends and family and within neurodivergent communities or support groups. These connections provide a sense of belonging, solidarity, and access to valuable resources.

Incorporating these six transformative steps into your life can empower your journey towards holistic well-being as you navigate the unique landscape of ADHD.

Remember, each step is a building block, and progress is made through patience, enjoyment, a bit of challenge and a whole lot of novelty.

Your empowered ADHD life is within reach – one step at a time.

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